Tired... Busy..
It is gordon lampsy
If I can think of a joke to put here I will...
Tired... Busy..
It is gordon lampsy
If I can think of a joke to put here I will...
Definitive proof that we our lives are being run by evil reptile man wizards who also are part of the bill cipher society.
Where is this proof you ask, well just look at this very much totally absolutely real not photoshoped photo of Russia's leader: Vladimir Putin, or should I say Vladimir Snakemin, or should I say VLADIMIR SNAKE-MAN
BAM! What did I say?
Anyway, I hope this was Halloween enough for you. Have a great Halloween! I hope you all get tons and tons of candy!
I have quite a bit of candy nabbing in my belt. Every year since I was three, if not younger, I have gone out with my family or friends, and gotten candy. I now give to you my strategy system to obtain the absolute maximum amount of candy. Trust me, with twelve years of experience, and many more to come (yes I am 15, yes I am going trickertreating, yes I realize it is a bit weird), if you like candy, you are going to like this.
This probably sounds pretty dumb, but I am extremely exited, I just reached 500 views thanks to Obama Care Bears!
I was lucky enough to check my views on the perfect number! At the time this will be posted, there was / are 527 views.
Anyway, thank you so much, and please use this source to have a great candy filled Halloween
please realize that this is not a political cartoon for or against Obama and his programs, but is simply a funny pun.
if you already haven't noticed from the tile...
no one... no one voted... besides me...
*sobs in a corner alone*
I am just kidding I already knew, and didn't really care that no one reads it so far. Maybe one day... Maybe on day... Anyway, if anyone is out there, have an amazing friday, and I hope this made you laugh or at least chuckle!
I am going to do more photoshop things on fridays, and want to know what you people think it should be called.
I am not going to code it my self, as I don't have a huge amount of time.
Also, if there is anyone who reads my blog besides crawlers, feel free to post what you think I should photoshop.
If anyone IS out there, they probably did not know, but I have a youtube channel, and I want to get back into making videos. In case you want to watch it, it is https://www.youtube.com/user/Darokrithia. Anyway I just wanted to share that I am (hopefully) be posting more videos, and I know you are supposed to advertise yourself... or something.
Have an awesome day, and please, if you are human, could you show it. I like making these for my self, but even a single comment would feel so good.
So I am going to try to post things like this every week:
>so..... yeah
Its Jaden Shrek
As I have already posted, the GOP and Obama are at a standstill, so Obama is really taking matters into his own hands by using his executive powers to do as much as possible without having to go through congress. One of the things he has been doing is giving visas to immigrants, especially the minors from Central America who are fleeing from violence. This is an important step in solving the immigration problem in North America; however I feel that this is a highly impermanent solution and more steps need to be taken.
The major connection I feel between this article and The Distance Between Us is a less direct one than other connections I have been reviewing. In this book, when Reyna, her siblings, and her dad went across the border and were stopped they were just thrown back, and allowed to pretty much try again. Now there are far more migrants, so they are not simply thrown back, and the border is far harder to cross. We need to fix the issue of undocumented immigration and lower the number of undocumented immigrants crossing the border, be it by making immigration easier, or making illegal immigration harder if not both.
Immigration has gone up and down in the United States. I had learned about the different periods and which people migrated when in history class, but I didn't get personal stories of migrants until this time. I believe that even after the Mexico / Central America migration ends, more migrants will come from new places. Immigrants will always be on the rise going from one place to another as the socioeconomics of the world changes. The United Sates needs long term solutions not only for the rising numbers of unaccompanied minors currently entering the US, but also for future migrants. Doing this will require both political parties to cooperate.
linkMy great-grandmother came to America when she was around 20 years old. She left Latvia during the time of World War One. She was nearly killed multiple times, and she claimed it was a miracle that she saw her 90th birthday. Her uncle Isaac who had already made it to America, and had made quite a bit of money, helped her family make the journey to America. Even if she had survived World War One in Europe, she being Jewish, would almost certainly have died in World War Two. She was lucky to survive, and I wouldn't be alive if she hadn't made it to America.
Like my family, Reyna Grande came to America to escape something, in her case extreme poverty. When her dad came and got her, she was quite diseased, and could have died before adulthood if she didn't get proper care. Not only would she possibly be dead, but she would definitely not have been as successful as she is today. Her success is in part thanks to the education she was able to get in college in America. Her dad pushed her to graduate, and she is now a successful author. Her life would be so different if she had not immigrated, just as I would not have existed if my grandmother had not come to America.
I knew that my family immigrated to the United States, but doing this project made me do some research and I learned a lot about my family's history that I never even would have known. I even read my great-grandmother's book I Refuse to Die, which I used as this reflections artifact. I did not realize why or when my family left Latvia, and I am glad that I now know. Almost everyone in a the United States is a descendant of a immigrant, and people should try to learn about their family history.
Nepal's economy is in a very bad shape. It has been having many problems, mainly economic ones, ever since the 10 year Maoist insurgency. The war ended in 2006, but the after affects of the war are still being seen. The government still is unable to draft a functioning constitution. Nepal has many parts of its economy shrinking, but it's population is still growing. This is causing as many as one fourth of the people at any given time to be working out side of Nepal. Many people go to South Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They perform backbreaking physical labor, and in Qatar, there was evidence of Nepalese people being used as slaves! Some return to their country with HIV, presumable from sex trafficking; others return home dead, as many as five a day will arrive in boxes, often covered in shrink-wrap. This is the sad reality of how far people will go to escape poverty.
In The Distance Between Us, Reyna Grande's family went to "el otro lado" which means the other side. The other side is a term people in the small town of Iguala, Guerrero use for the United States. Reyna's dad and Reyna's mom both left for el otro lado when she was 2 and 4 respectively. The United States of America is a far nicer place then say Malaysia, and the leaving of their family didn't kill anyone; however, it did completely destroy the family. The parents got a divorce, the children had a hard childhood and had to be very self-reliant while being abused. Mago, the oldest daughter went slightly crazy, even feeding innocent children poop simply because they had a mother. In both Mexico and Nepal, people will go to great lengths to fight poverty.
I did not know that immigration was a problem in other countries. I knew that eastern Europeans were migrating into North Western Europe and other immigration existed, but besides that I was not very educated about immigration problems outside of North America. This book showed me that immigration is a bigger issue than I previously thought, and this article showed me how wide-spread this is. I honestly think that America has a low immigration problem compared to other countries. These issues need to be solved in more than just one country.
LinkToday I read an article about Jose Antonio Vargas, an undocumented man from the Philippines. After his parents split due to his dad's wandering eye making him unable to find work, his grandparents Lolo and Lola (who lived in the United States) started sending money to Jose's mom. Soon, His grandparents get a fake passport and a coyote for Jose to come to America with. He has many challenges in life, such as learning English and all of our idioms. He hears a lot of negative stereotypes about illegal immigrants and sets off to prove them wrong by contributing to society. Still, as he grows into adulthood, his fear of being found out increases, and he never dates or goes on trips (including an all expense free trip to Switzerland). He finally gets fed up and posts his story in the New York times.
Reyna and Jose both came (or were brought) to the United States for opportunities. They also have goals of proving some form of worth to someone. For Reyna, it was proving her worth to her dad, and for Jose, it was proving he was a good part of society to the United State's government. Both people also made some form of a documentary to share their stories.
Up to a few years ago, I didn't realize the struggles undocumented immigrants face, even after coming to America. I knew that they could be deported, but I had no idea that they couldn't get a driver's license. I learned about these problems in both The Distance Between Us and the article I just read. Both of these documents shed light on how hard it is to be an immigrant in the United States of America. I think the government needs to legalize and or deport more people. The more documented immigrants the better.
Sourceneed to work will fill you in later... or never woops
The Salt Lake Tribune had an interesting article about the recent politics of immigration in the United States of America. According to the article, there has been a bit of a standstill with laws being passed. Both the republicans and the democrats agree that there is an issue with the 50,000 children coming in from South and Central America; however, neither party is working together. The GOP changes the subject or shoots down Obama's plans, and the few laws they have proposed have been vetoed by Obama, leaving many of these kids in a state of limbo, neither being given amnesty, nor being deported.
In The Distance Between Us, when Reyna and her siblings come to "el otro lado," (what people where Reyna grew up call the United States), they were with their parents; however, Reyna and her siblings had been without parents for over 5 years. She was with her grandma, but her "abuela" neglected her and so she, like the 50,000 unaccompanied immigrants had to be highly responsible and almost take care of herself. Again, even though there are parallels, the Central American children have differences to Reyna and her siblings, but even with these differences both groups of kids need help. The GOP should work with Obama and Obama should work with the GOP to help these kids out as their safety is more important than petty political rivalries.
Before I read The Distance Between Us, I didn't really understand why someone would want to desperately come to America. Although I was not completely against immigration, after reading it, and doing some of my own research, I now realize why someone would migrate from place to place. I now think that almost all of these children should stay in the United States for at least until the conflict in their countries clears up. I do not understand why people keep arguing about this; these are children, and we need to take action immediately.
linkSorry about this, but I have a short update, 1) my sisters wedding is comming up so I will be busy, 2) I have to post some school reflections here so be ready and 3) I will still try to post daily, sorry this was short
I love things that are useless/stupid but still entertaining. Today I will set up a list of my favorite ridiculous websites in these categories: games, funny things, and just plain WHAT IN THE WORLD.
I hope you enjoy.Also, I would like all 0 of you to know that I love you, like a fat lady loves apples, .com
This is my blog post for august 3, 2014 even though I put it up on the 4th (also I am sorry this is short)
I will post about my trip once me and my trip mates have shared all of the pictures I want / need. This sort of is an excuse but no one took initiative for two weeks, so I had to make a drop box, even though I have the crappiest photos of anyone (I had a bad camera with barely any zoom and I am plane bad at taking pictures).
Any way, I should have the pictures in a maximum a week. I will porbably post again today, but I need to do online P.E. so have a awesome day, and I again I am sorry.
However, today is going to be my first summer post because, well, it is summer.
I don't know what to post, but I do have a plan in the future: I want to make a game. I know quite a bit of java script, but I am no expert. However, I think using flash I should be able to make a simple platformer. Some of my posts will e updates, and at least a few will have a playable version.
Anyway, have a nice day, and an amazing summer,
anyway, that pretty much is it, besides I need a blog post this month so yah.
You see, I love pranks. I love trying to stop them happening to yourself, and try to make them happen towards someone else. However, those pranks come a the first of april for a ridiculous reason. Originally, the first of april was around the first day of the year. This makes sense. Life starts BEGINNING in spring, from new born baby animals (which would have died if they had been born in winter, so are born specifically when the weather warms), to flowers and plants growing anew. This is the beginning of the year for life, but for whatever reason, somewhere in between the middle ages and the 1800s, it was moved to January 1. Then, some other holidays combined, and people celebrating January 1st as the new year pestered and played pranks on the "fools," who actually knew what they were talking about. Anyway, good luck with pranks U.R.F. is awesome, good night.
We should start celebrating January Fools Day :D
Also, correct me if I am wrong please :)
Dear teeth,
First off, I want to state that, through all of what I am about to say, I love you. I don’t want to be ineffectively gumming my food, or having to hand make my food into a small, swallowable pulverized pulp. Despite that, you sort are terrible. There are a few ways that you actually terrible, instead, you are terrible at continuing work.
Unlike many animals, humans have a limited amount teeth. Why, human teeth, do you not act like the shark’s teeth, with an infinite amount of replaceable teeth, or like the manatee’s teeth, which come in in an infinite choochoo train of molars, or like the teeth of a rodent, which continuously grow? Instead, you only regrow once. If I were to stop brushing my teeth, that would be it. One by one, my teeth would soften and fall out. The worst thing isn’t that you are non-regenerable, but that you seem to melt when faced with your main task, food. Despite the fact that you don’t melt or burn until insane temperatures (of which I forget, but I know are to high for your other body parts to survive). Why if you have this ability, can't you eat lots of candy, and be fine in the next couple weeks (without brushing and flossing).
Also, why are you sometimes crooked, I dislike braces a lot, so if people could just have straight teeth, that would be great. And wisdom teeth. To wisdom teeth all I have to say is : WHYYYYYYYY
I am going to start a blog, I have no idea on what to post, but I wanted to make it for later.
First off, I would like to thank Blogger / Google for letting me do this in all HTML5 because it is awesome, but really, I don't want to join google+. I may later, put the more you try, less I want to join it.
Anyway, Hello, Goodbye
Have an awesome day :D
PS: I am not a gud spillar