
Halloween Strategy

How to get the maximum amount of candy

I have quite a bit of candy nabbing in my belt. Every year since I was three, if not younger, I have gone out with my family or friends, and gotten candy. I now give to you my strategy system to obtain the absolute maximum amount of candy. Trust me, with twelve years of experience, and many more to come (yes I am 15, yes I am going trickertreating, yes I realize it is a bit weird), if you like candy, you are going to like this.

The three main and best working Strategies.
  1. Being cute: One of the easiest ways of increasing your base candy, this simple method only takes basic planning, and possibly some small children.
    1. Look cute: wearing a costume with big eyes being less than 12, or possibly even 6 etc
    2. Bring things that look cute: Bring your younger siblings, pets, friends, children, or other family members. This method is quite fun, and works best when paired with the 3rd way you can look cute.
    3. Match: A bit harder to coordinate, but works like magic. Simply dress in costume that either follows a theme, or is from the same story as the rest of your group. Works especially well with twins, full families, and small children.
    4. Go to old people's houses: Although this sort of falls in the Mapping category, going to the house of someone who is older than 70, or even 80 is amazing. Not only are these people extremely nice, and give away things like king size bars, but they also think anyone under 30 falls in to the Be cute category, allowing you to score big time, and reap in tons of candy
  2. Little tricks: This is a bit mean to do. I do not recommend it, but it will sometimes work, so here is the dark art of getting lots of tasty treats.
    1. Imaginary friends: I used this strategy once, and it worked surprisingly well. Simply bring two bags where you can put candy in, and say "can I also have some for my imaginary friend X?" and about one in three times, you will get candy from both!
    2. Going around twice: In a candy filled busy, but small area, you may be able to go through more than once. This will only work if there are enough people going through that they won't remember you. WARNING: I have never personally done this.
    3. Bringing along someone who cannot eat candy: A baby or someone who does not like the taste, can work as a more effective version of the imaginary friend. They may want something in return, but I good friend or a child will work very well, as you may get them to come for free.
  3. Mapping and planning: Taking an hour to plan your route can really pay off, and although I don't know every neighborhood, I can tell you what to look for.
    1. Busyness: Busyness is something you are going to want to think about. Highly busy areas are full of kids, and so, full of candy, but also run out VERY fast. Main Street and kid filled areas are great for getting treats, but wont do you any good after about 6:00. However, busyness is important. Entirely kid free areas will often also be candy free, and certain strategies which I have already stated, use busyness to their advantage. The perfect balance is an are were everyone has a big bowl full of candy, often left out; however are pretty kid free. These are often found as off shoot streets of larger neighborhoods. If you get there late enough (around 10-11), people will be closing shop, and will literally dump their half full bowls into your bag.
    2. Time: If you want maximum candy, you have to have maximum time, and there are a few ways of doing this. First and most simply, you can go out earlier. To have this done easily, make sure you are in costume around 3, and you and your party are ready to go by 4; however, time is not simply about total time, but also about time management. You may hit multiple Neighborhoods, and if you do, make sure you are totally dead end free. Too often you will have to wait for a ride, or back track. Besides general planning of when to to hit what and when you will be picked up where (if you are hitting Neighborhoods which are far away from one another), a nice off-shoot, dead-end street (which I have already mentioned are awesome), can be done More effectively by hitting all the houses are your way to the end, and then hitting the rest on your way back up.
    3. Candy Quality: Knowing about the different planning areas of your town pays off, in candy at least. As I have previously mentioned above, old people give out the best candy, and so, I would advice you look for areas where they live. Some neighborhoods are filled with them, and I advice hitting these areas before 7, as many people over 75 go to bed around 9. Next, people with large amounts of money to spend often have large amounts of candy to give. Finding a gated community or other area with people who give out kingsize candy bars. is always a victory in my mind.


This probably sounds pretty dumb, but I am extremely exited, I just reached 500 views thanks to Obama Care Bears!

I was lucky enough to check my views on the perfect number! At the time this will be posted, there was / are 527 views.

Anyway, thank you so much, and please use this source to have a great candy filled Halloween


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